In regards to the 5 Minute Foundation’s 501(c)(3) Compliance

The 5 Minute Foundation is a grassroots, non-profit environmental organization dedicated to protecting and safeguarding our oceans and waterways through cleanups, education, technology, and activism. As a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 85-2768442), contributions to the foundation are tax-deductible and in compliance with all related regulations.

The 5 Minute Foundation operates with impartiality and does not engage in electoral politics or support any particular political candidate. Rather, it welcomes all individuals who care about the health and well-being of our oceans and waterways.

As a grassroots environmental organization, the foundation not only raises awareness about the challenges faced by our oceans, but also empowers its members, supporters, and activists to take action and protect these valuable resources. The volunteer work performed by the foundation's members is not counted towards any reporting or lobbying requirements, as per IRS guidelines. However, expenses incurred by the foundation's chapters or volunteers, such as hard costs, are recorded along with staff expenses. With the generous support of its donors, the foundation continues to operate in a professional and organized manner, staying within charitable and IRS guidelines to achieve its goal of ocean protection.